Words and music © Bill Dobbins
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Storm clouds in the horizon, lighting fills the sky,
I fear the Devil's coming with fire in his eye,
With fire in his eye.

The volcano's heat is rising, the ocean's rising too.
I fear the Devil's coming after me and you,
After me and you.

The river water's rising, the levy's giving way.
But it won't be water comes this time but fire so they say,
Fire so they say.

Mother Earth will always change
As night flows into day.
Ages come and time will flow,
Living things will always fade away.

The farmer's land is drowning or dries up and blows away.
The Devil has a changing heart that gives and takes away,
That gives and takes away.

The ancient seas are rising a mountain peak to form.
What once was heavy on this earth is paradise no more,
Is paradise no more.

A mother's tears are flowing, a dead child in her arms.
But those in touch are getting rich and swear they do no harm,
They swear they do no harm.


Storm clouds in the horizon, lighting fills the sky,
I fear the Devil's coming with fire in his eye,
With fire in his eye.